Sunday, October 31, 2010

WORD! 2 -Fresh

-Mitch, Jordan, Reed, Dan
Fresh (Source: Mitch Halbert)
Definition: Off the heezy, hip, cool, new, styling. A description of a cool kid or object.

This picture fits the word perfectly because the fresh prince of bel-air is hip, cool, new, and styling; which is almost the definition of "fresh".

My word is a lot like cool, stylish, legit, hip, young, nifty, but is different in that it is more descriptive. It combines all of those words into one very interesting word.


Best used when describing something that appeals to your vision. Also when rapping freestyle or expressing your love for something.

Sentences: "Reed, your fresh kicks are looking nice!"
- Mitch Halbert

Mr. V is so fresh, that he can ripen old fruit.

My word is opposite of nerdy, uncool, old.

I give "Fresh" a five out of five stars, because it is such a young, and cool describing word.

Friday, October 1, 2010

WORD! -Fickle

-Mitch, Jordan, Reed, Dan
Fickle – adjective
Definitions: ( [fik-uhl]

1. Likely to change. ex: fickle weather.
2. Not constant or loyal in affections: a fickle lover.

1. unstable, unsteady, variable, capricious, fitful.
1. stable, consistent
Best Used:
With friends, family, school teachers, can be used basically anywhere. you can even use it with job interviews but i wouldn't advise it because the word sounds like pickle and the person might get confused.

This picture is of the good spiderman (red) and the bad spiderman (black) they are the same person but have different personailities so spiderman is fickle.

5 out of 5 stars because it is a fantastic word and it is very widely usable. I can use it to describe almost anything, like the weather, personailities, people, sports teams, etc.

My Definition:
Highly unstable, something that is likely to change at any time without notice.
My Sentence(s):
1. The weather was fickle today; it rained, snowed and hailed all in one day.
2. The seahawks are fickle in their playing ability, some day's they're really good and some days they're horrible.
3. Dan is very fickle, his personality changes everyday.
